ANGSD: Analysis of next generation Sequencing Data

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Genotype Likelihoods

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Genotype likelihoods from alignments

<classdiagram> // [input|bam files;SOAP files{bg:orange}]->[sequence data]

[sequence data]->[genotype likelihoods|samtools;GATK;soapSNP;kim]

-GL [int]

If your input is sequencing file you can estimate genotype likelhoods from the mapped reads. Four different methods are available.


-GL 1

This methods has a random component. In same tools there is a stocastic component so to get the exact same results as samtools use nThreads=1. However, the method is still the same with multiple threads but some sites will have small differences compared to the samtools output bacause of the stocastic component.


-minQ [int]

default 13. The minimum allowed base quality score.

-minMapQ [int]

default 0; The minimum allowed mapping quality score.


./angsd -bam bam.filelist -GL 1 -out outfile


-GL 2


-minQ [int]

default 13. The minimum allowed base quality score.

-minMapQ [int]

default 0; The minimum allowed mapping quality score.


./angsd -bam bam.filelist -GL 2 -out outfile


-GL 3 When estimating GL with soapSNP we need to generate a calibration matrix. This is done automaticly if these doesn't exist. These are located in angsd_tmpdir/basenameNUM.count,angsd_tmpdir/basenameNUM.qual


-minQ [int]

default 13. The minimum allowed base quality score.

-minMapQ [int]

default 0; The minimum allowed mapping quality score.

-maxq [int]

default 51; The maximum allowed base quality score.

-L [int]

default 150; The maximum read length (choosing one that is too large is not a problem)


./angsd -bam bam.filelist -GL 3 -out outfile -minQ 0 -ref hg19.fa 

This first loop doesn't estimate anything else than the calibration matrix. So now we can do the analysis we want

./angsd -bam bam.filelist -GL 3 -out outfile -minQ 0 -ref hg19.fa

Kim et al.

-GL 4 Citation Citation


-error [filename]

A file with the estimated type specific error rates (see Error_estimation).


./angsd -bam bam.filelist -GL 4 -out outfile -error error.file 

output genotype likelihoods