ANGSD: Analysis of next generation Sequencing Data

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2d SFS Estimation

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Angsd can estimate a 2d site frequency spectrum. This is an extension of the 1d site frequency spectrum method.

The method works by calculating population specific sample allele frequencies. A minor annoyance in the current implementation is that you will need to limit the analysis to the sites that has coverage in both population. This in effect means that you will need to do two passes for each population.

And is best explained by a full example.


  • Assume you have a 12 bamfiles for population in the file pop1.list
  • Assume you have a 14 bamfiles for population in the file pop2.list
  • Assume you have a fastafile containing the ancestral state in the anc.fa
  • Assume we are only interested in chr1

Let's start by finding the positions for which we have data in population1 and population2

# as always you can add -minMapQ 1 and -minQ 20 to only keep high quality data.
angsd -GL 1 -b pop1.list -anc anc.fa -r chr1: -P 10 -out pop1
angsd -GL 1 -b pop2.list -anc anc.fa -r chr1: -P 10 -out pop2

Each run will generate 2 files of interest: pop1.saf,pop1.saf.pos and pop2.saf,pop2.saf.pos

If we were interested in estimating the 1d sfs for each population we could do it like this using the EmOptim2 program. (See more on page )

emOptim2 pop1.saf 24 -P 24 >pop1.saf.sfs
emOptim2 pop2.saf 28 -P 24 >pop2.saf.sfs

Now we find the positions that occurs both in population1 and population2 using the uniq POSIX program.

cat pop1.saf.pos pop2.saf.pos|uniq -d >intersect.txt