ANGSD: Analysis of next generation Sequencing Data
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There is an overall angsd paper with bibtex below.
@article{korneliussen_angsd:_2014, title = {{ANGSD}: Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data}, volume = {15}, copyright = {}, issn = {1471-2105}, shorttitle = {{ANGSD}}, url = {}, doi = {10.1186/s12859-014-0356-4}, abstract = {High-throughput {DNA} sequencing technologies are generating vast amounts of data. Fast, flexible and memory efficient implementations are needed in order to facilitate analyses of thousands of samples simultaneously.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2014-11-26}, journal = {{BMC} Bioinformatics}, author = {Korneliussen, Thorfinn S. and Albrechtsen, Anders and Nielsen, Rasmus}, month = nov, year = {2014}, pages = {356}, }
Maf estimation from counts of alleles
- -cutoff
Allele estimation
allele estimation from genotype likelihoods
- - doMaf
SNP calling
SNP calling based on genotype likelihoods
- -SNP_pval
Genotype likelihoods
- -GL 1
same as in samtools Li2011
- -GL 2
same as in gatk
- -GL 3
same as in soapSNP
- -GL 4
same as in kim2011
- -doAsso 2
using score statistic Skotte2012
- -doAsso 1 or 3
using allele frequencies kim2011
SFS estimation
Estimating the site frequency spectrum Nielsen2012
Neutrality tests (eg Tajima)
Error rates method 1
joint GL and error estimation kim2011
Error rates method 2
based on a high quality genome orlando2013
from X chromosome Rasmussen2011