ANGSD: Analysis of next generation Sequencing Data
Latest tar.gz version is (0.938/0.939 on github), see Change_log for changes, and download it here.
Genotype Likelihoods
Many methods in ANGSD are based on genotype likelihoods, and ANGSD has 4 different genotype likelihood models implemented.
Genotype likelihoods and the four models are described in the Bottom.
<classdiagram> // [input|bam files;SOAP files{bg:orange}]->[sequence data]
[sequence data]->[genotype likelihoods|SAMtools;GATK;SOAPsnp;Kim] </classdiagram>
We also allow for dumping of the calculated genotype likelihoods in various formats that might be handy for some users.
Brief Overview
./angsd -GL -> angsd version: 0.567 build(Dec 7 2013 14:56:25) -> Analysis helpbox/synopsis information: --------------------- analysisEstLikes.cpp: -GL=0: 1: SAMtools 2: GATK 3: SOAPsnp 4: SYK -trim 0 (zero means no trimming) -tmpdir angsd_tmpdir/ (used by SOAPsnp) -errors (null) (used by SYK) -minInd 0 (0 indicates no filtering) Filedumping: -doGlf 0 1: binary glf (10 log likes) .glf.gz 2: beagle likelihood file .beagle.gz 3: binary 3 times likelihood .glf.gz 4: text version (10 log likes) .glf.gz
- -GL [int]
If your input is sequencing file you can estimate genotype likelhoods from the mapped reads. Four different methods are available.
- SAMtools model
- GATK model
- SOAPsnp model
- SYK model
- NB
When estimating GL with soapSNP we need to generate a calibration matrix. This is done automaticly if these doesn't exist. These are located in angsd_tmpdir/basenameNUM.count,angsd_tmpdir/basenameNUM.qual, and the read length is not allowed to exceed 256 base pairs.
- -trim [0]
This will discards the ends of the reads when calculating the genotype likelihoods. This is for aDNA where we would expect to have increased error rates at the ends. You can use MapDamage2 to examine the damage pattern. Unless you are working with aDNA there is no reason to trim the ends.
- -tmpdir angsd_tmpdir
SOAPsnp generates a mismatch matrix for each BAM file and based on this mismatch matrix it calculates the type specific errors for each position in the read. So for each BAM file it generates two files, to avoid cluttering up the working directory you can specify a folder that should be used. SOAPsnp assumes that all reads have the same length, if this is not the case this model might not be suited.
- -errors filename.txt
SYK model requires a file containing the type specific errors, as estimated from -doError 1.
- -minInd
Discard the sites where we don't have data from -minInd individuals. If you have 100 individuals, and you only want to base your downstream analysis on the sites where you have data for at least half your samples then set -minInd 50.
As always you can filter at the base level using -minQ and you can also filter at the readlevel.
SAMtools and GATK likelihood are chooses simply with
./angsd -GL 1 #SAMtools ./angsd -GL 2 #GATK
SOAPsnp and SYK requires some extra arguments as shown below.
./angsd -bam bam.filelist -GL 3 -out outfile -ref hg19.fa -minQ 0 #NB important to set -minQ to zero, ANGSD defaults to minQ 13
This first loop doesn't estimate anything else than the calibration matrix. So now we can do the analysis we want
./angsd -bam bam.filelist -GL 3 -out outfile -ref hg19.fa -doGlf 1
SYK (Kim et al.)
./angsd -bam bam.filelist -GL 4 -out outfile -error error.file
Output genotype likelihoods
- -doGlf [int]
Output the log genotype likelihoods to a file
- 0. don't dump anything (default)
- 1. binary all 10 llh
- 2. beagle text
- 3. beagle binary
- 4. textoutput of all 10 llhs.
Glf file in binary doubles. All 10 genotype likelihoods are printed to a file. For each printed site there are 10*N doubles where N is the number of individuals. The order of the 10 genotypes are alphabetical AA AC AG AT CC CG CT GG GT TT. These are log scaled likelihood ratios to the most likely.
Pseudocode for parsing these files in c/c++.
FILE *fp = fopen(genotypelikelihood.bin,"r") ind nInd = 5; double gls[5*10]; fread(gls,sizeof(double),5*10,fp);
Beagle format
Beagle haplotype imputation and be performed directly on genotype likelhoods. To generate beagle input file use
- -doGlf 2
In order to make this file the major and minor allele has the be inferred -doMajorMinor. It is also a good idea to only use the polymorphic sites.
In this example our input files are bam files. We use the samtools genotype likelihood methods. We use 10 threads. We infer the major and minor allele from the likelihoods and estimate the allele frequencies. We test for polymorphic sites and only outbut the ones with are likelhood ratio test statistic of minimum 24 (ca. p-value<1e-6).
./angsd -GL 1 -out genolike -nThreads 10 -doGlf 2 -doMajorMinor 1 -minLRT 24 -doMaf 2 -doSNP 2 -bam bam.filelist
The above command generates the file genolike.beagle.gz that can be use as input for the beagle software
marker allele1 allele2 Ind0 Ind0 Ind0 Ind1 Ind1 Ind1 Ind2 Ind2 Ind2 Ind3 Ind3 Ind3 1_14000023 1 0 0.941177 0.058822 0.000001 0.799685 0.199918 0.000397 0.666316 0.333155 0.000529 1_14000072 2 3 0.709983 0.177493 0.112525 0.941178 0.058822 0.000000 0.665554 0.332774 0.001672 1_14000113 0 2 0.855993 0.106996 0.037010 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 0.799971 0.199989 0.000040 1_14000202 2 0 0.835380 0.104420 0.060201 0.799685 0.199918 0.000397 0.333333 0.333333 0.333333 ...
Note that the above values sum to one per sites for each individuals. This is just a normalization of the genotype likelihoods in order to avoid underflow problems in the beagle software it does not mean that they are genotype probabilities.
simple text format
Genotype likelihoods are in this context the likelihood the data given a genotype. This is to be understood as we take all the information from our data for a specific position for a single individual, and we use this information to calculate the likelihood for our different genotypes. Since we assume diploid individuals it follows that we have 10 different genotypes.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
AA | AC | AG | AT | CC | CG | CT | GG | GT | TT |
And we write the genotype likelihood as
GATK genotype likelihoods
In angsd we use the direct method of the first version of GATK (dragon). This is simply
where M is the sequencing depth is the observed base in read i, e is the probability of error calculated from the phredscaled qscore e.g.
SAMtools genotype likelihoods
This subsection with SAMtools gl are preliminary