ANGSD: Analysis of next generation Sequencing Data
Latest tar.gz version is (0.938/0.939 on github), see Change_log for changes, and download it here.
Angsd can estimate contamination, but only for chromosomes that exists in one genecopy (eg chrX for males). This method requires a list of HapMap sites along with their frequency and we also recommend to discard regions with low mappability.
We have included a mappability and HapMap files for chrX these are found in the RES subfolder of the angsd source package. So if you are working with humans, and your sample is a male then you can estimate the contamination with the follow two commands.
- First we generate a binary count file for chrX for a single BAM file (ANGSD cprogram)
- Then we do a fisher test for finding a p-value, and jackknife to get an estimate of contamination (Rprogram)
An example are found below:
./angsd -i my.bam -r X: -doCounts 1 -iCounts 1 -minMapQ 30 -minQ 20 Rscript ../R/contamination.R mapFile="../RES/map100.chrX.bz2" hapFile="../RES/" countFile="angsdput.icnts.gz" mc.cores=24
Rscript ../R/contamination.R mapFile="../RES/map100.chrX.bz2" hapFile="../RES/" countFile="/space/anders/ida/idaSjov/kostenkitest/contamination/out/V1countKostinki.USER.bam.X.gz" mc.cores=24 Loading required package: multicore ----------------------- Doing Fisher exact test for Method1: [,1] [,2] [1,] 246 157 [2,] 17700 143407 Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data data: mat p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1 95 percent confidence interval: 10.34000 15.61672 sample estimates: odds ratio 12.6959 ----------------------- Doing Fisher exact test for Method2: [,1] [,2] [1,] 91 55 [2,] 7355 59513 Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data data: mat2 p-value < 2.2e-16 alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1 95 percent confidence interval: 9.466476 19.085589 sample estimates: odds ratio 13.38675 ---------------------- Running jackknife for Method1 (could be slow) Running jackknife for Method2 (could be slow) $est Method1 Method2 Contamination 0.03837625 0.03380983 llh 1034.078 483.5145 SE 0.002630455 0.003900376 $err [1] 0.01370779 $c [1] 0.001093589 $est Method1 Method2 Contamination 0.03837625 0.03380983 llh 1034.078 483.5145 SE 0.002630455 0.003900376 $err [1] 0.01370779 $c [1] 0.001093589