500 the number of individuals 20 the number of SNPs 0 the number of environmental factors 1 the starting number of risk sets 14 the maximum allowed risk sets 0 the minimum allowed risk sets 4 the maximum allowed active parameters 1 the minimum allowed active parameters 0.5 the prior for the number of active parameters ~geo(PriorActive) 0.5 the prior for the number of risk sets ~geo(PriorRiskSet) 200 the maximun value for the standard diviation 1 the number kappa will be mulitplied with 0 0: the imperical averge will be used 1: the midrange will be used 10 the starting value for the SD 1 1:prints the risk sets, 0:does no 100000 the number of iterations 0 the number of iterations discarded (the burn in) 100 the tinning rate 5 the ratio for updating the mean 0 0: the trait is normally distributed. 1: the trait is binary 0 the number of permutations 1 1: risksets have a higher mean than the none risk set 0 the number of adjustment factors 0 range min 0 range max: if range min =0 and range max = 0 then the range of the distribution is used 0.9 this fraction of the individual used to calculate the range. eg. if 0.9 then the 5% of both tails are removed 0 0: use frequencies for prios for missing genotypes. 1: use custom priors 0.33 the cutoff for accepting a infered genotype.